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Comparative Systems Biology Reveals Allelic Variation Modulating Tocochromanol Profiles in Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.).

PLoS One.. 2014-05;  9(5):e96276
Oliver RE, Islamovic E, Obert DE, Wise ML, Herrin LL, Hang A, Harrison SA, Ibrahim A, Marshall JM, Miclaus KJ, Lazo GR, Hu G, Jackson EW. Crop Biosciences, General Mill, Inc., Kannapolis, North Carolina, United States of America, formerly USDA-ARS, Small Grains and Potato Germplasm Research Unit, Aberdeen, Idaho, United States of America.
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Tocochromanols are recognized for nutritional content, plant stress response, and seed longevity. Here we present a systems biological approach to characterize and develop predictive assays for genes affecting tocochromanol variation in barley. Major QTL, detected in three regions of a SNP linkage map, affected multiple tocochromanol forms. Candidate genes were identified through barley/rice orthology and sequenced in genotypes with disparate tocochromanol profiles. Gene-specific markers, designed based on observed polymorphism, mapped to the originating QTL, increasing R2 values at the respective loci. Polymorphism within promoter regions corresponded to motifs known to influence gene expression. Quantitative ... More
